Marney Andes Marney Andes

32. Why Women Need Fun and Play

Marney and guest Allison Jackson discuss the role of play in adult life and the societal pressures that often prevent women from prioritizing their joy and fun.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

25. Building Your Financial Legacy with Lori Pace Part 2

Lori Pace didn’t set out to make real estate her passion; it just happened that way. Now as a consultant, strategist, community activist and motivational speaker, Lori strives to create a more equitable world. She’s found that one of the best ways to address the wealth gap is by empowering women to invest in real estate. Educating women on how to own their own real estate equips them with financial stability throughout the highs and lows of life. 

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

24. Building Your Financial Legacy with Lori Pace - Part 1

Dr. Liz Wilson, a behavioral scientist, organizational transformation expert, and founder of Include Inc., shares more about her journey to working with organizations on inclusion, her 8-inclusion needs of all people, and great insights for all of us live by in our day to day interactions with each other.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

23. Embrace inclusion

Dr. Liz Wilson, a behavioral scientist, organizational transformation expert, and founder of Include Inc., shares more about her journey to working with organizations on inclusion, her 8-inclusion needs of all people, and great insights for all of us live by in our day to day interactions with each other.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

22. Share your story

Melissa Payne is the bestselling author of four novels, including A Light in the Forest and The Night of Many Endings, who talks about her journey from an early career fundraiser to a full-time career author. Beyond her exceptional writing talent and personal success, she’s an inspiration, believing deeply and reminding us that we have a story to share.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

21. Seek open, honest dialogue

Cindy Abramson and Sheryl Gurrentz are the co-authors of the book A Strange Period, sharing the mental and physical changes they experienced during their early 40s and what led them to write the book they were seeking at the time. Focused on perimenopause and unpredictable and sometimes funny, not-so-funny, unlimited symptoms, our conversation reminds us that we are not alone. And that one of the most powerful ways to experience change is to do so with each other, openly and honestly.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

20. Set clear boundaries

Adriana Bucci, after nearly three decades of enduring narcissistic abuse and four years of dealing with severe chronic pain and migraines, made the choice to embark on her own healing journey. Now, a life coach, specializing in helping other people heal from narcissistic trauma and abuse, Adriana shares more information about what narcissism is, how you might be experiencing people with it in your workplace, family, or personal life, and strategies for healing, setting clear and healthy boundaries and moving on.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

19. You are enough

Danette Haag shares her experiences living through and living with a severe burn injury from a house explosion as a child. A registered nurse, trauma mentor, and speaker, Danette shares how her experience has helped her redefine beauty by bringing purpose to the pain. So instead of being limited by the scars in our lives, we can be empowered by them.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

18. Reimagine the way you work

Cali Williams Yost is a visionary workplace futurist, strategist, and author who shares her perspective and experience working with organizations and individuals to rethink and reimagine the way work is done. We are living in a time when we have an opportunity to not only change the way we think about work, but also implement those changes in a way that positively impacts our work.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

17. Find your center

Sheryl Gurrentz, entrepreneur and author, shares how she has navigated this dynamic between work and volunteering. When you find yourself on what feels like the edges of your life, then you’re likely too far from your real purpose, which is your prompting to switch directions and move back towards your center.

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Marney Andes Marney Andes

16. Unwrap life’s unlikely gifts

Diane Simard, a motivational speaker, and breast cancer survivor has dedicated her life to raising awareness about the psychological trauma that often accompanies a cancer diagnosis. Sharing more about her life, her journey, and her book, you’ll learn that even the most challenging experience can unwrap the most unlikely gifts.

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