We provide premier
enrichment programs for women

offering innovative, customizable, and adaptable
development experiences tailored to individuals and organizations

Coming this Fall

BLOOM: Personal Leadership Workshop

In this immersive 2.5-day (and beyond) workshop, navigate the complexities of personal leadership by digging deep, uprooting limiting beliefs, and creating opportunities for growth and new connections.

The Bloom experience:

  • Provides you a nurturing space to reflect on the past, better understand your present, and make a plan for your future.

  • Connects you with community, coaching, knowledge, and impactful tools.

  • Continues to support you to bloom into the fully authentic, fulfilled, and effective version of yourself.

A holistic approach to help you grow personally & professionally.

Our Philosophy

In today’s virtual world, nothing matches the deep connections made through face-to-face interaction. Attending a Dynamic Intention event enriches the experience in unique ways virtual experiences can't match.

Get personalized support, motivation, and honest guidance from one of our certified coaches to confidently navigate your next steps with clarity.

Engage with our vibrant community. Explore valuable resources, share ideas, and unlock endless opportunities.

Author, Coach, Entrepreneur, and more.

Throughout her life, Marney Andes has held many different titles. Still, her dedication to supporting individuals and teams as they develop and grow is the thread that ties them all together.