January..."Why you have to be so rude (long)?"

Despite knowing that January has 31 days (like over half the other months do), it's hard to get away from the notion that it feels like the longest month of the year. I spent time searching what others were saying about the “prolonged” January. I found physical reasons that justified why it feels longer, such as the limitations of daylight. Even though the days are technically getting longer, we still find ourselves waking before the sun comes up and leaving our jobs or other daily obligations after the sun has set. For those who set new year goals to get back into shape, trekking to the gym during one of these “bookend” parts of the day, may make it feel as though the day never ends.

Perhaps you’re part of the community who decided to eat healthier or attempt a “Dry January” and as a result, have elected to stay home, cook your own foods, and relieve yourself from the social setting and associated pressures to consume.

Another article cited that the busyness of December was the culprit of “never-ending January.” Holiday prep, parties, gift buying and exchanging, running this errand and that, took so much of our time, it felt like we were searching for “one more hour” to accomplish everything. And then bam, January, and not only did everything slow down, but without the shuffle of December, getting together, shopping, and party planning, it felt as if time stopped.

Now, if you’re in a work setting, you may be thinking to yourself, “Wow, you’re feeling as if it’s slow? Everything we’re planning to accomplish in this new year feels as though we have several things making time fly by. We’ve got goals and we’re making plans.” Ah, yes. Goals, priorities, strategic direction, implementation projects, launch a program and identify the metrics to measure progress. Yes, you may be busy at work, but goals, kicking off projects, and getting everything “going” for the year, starts to feel, well, the beginning of what is to come, without much to show for where you’ve been. It’s the beginning, which can feel long. And while all the reasons for January feeling longer make sense, I’ve really homed in on a single act for anyone wanting to break this cycle and help the month move along, and feel full, like other months. 

Connection with others.

For the past couple of years, I’ve focused on including connecting with others a “must have” for the month. Prior to that, I would come off December with a full social cup and by mid-January feel as though there was a life outside of myself, with people in it, doing things, all the while, I was stuck in a New Year’s resolution routine that required my full attention.

Instead of thinking to yourself, “how much longer is this month going to go on?” use this final week of January to connect with someone.

Here’s a few ideas for you to create connections this month.

  • Call someone. Pick up your phone and call a friend, former colleague, family member, or other. You don’t need an agenda or a topic, only time set aside to visit, share, and catch up.

  • Set up a Zoom or video call with one or more people. Video is a great way to see people without the need to drive or travel.

  • Meet someone for coffee or lunch/dinner. Even if you have activities or errands to run this weekend, reach out to people in your circle and see who would be up for meeting you somewhere for a drink, food, and conversation. Plan it for an hour. It doesn’t have to be the entire afternoon.

It’s easy to let the time go by and welcome a new month. But this practice can take you into the next month too, which if you don’t have a birthday like I do, may feel like a January “repeat” if you don’t carve out the time to connect with people. Make the call, set a time to meet, and fill your new year with connection.


Do The Things. Do Them Now.


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