Homegrown Lessons for the Pandemic...and Beyond

What helped the team I led pivot successfully in the pandemic? Lessons from my life, including the practice I promote with great frequency – do the fundamental things really well and practice them every day. Add to this connecting with each other on a level where honest and open dialogue can happen, and having one-on-ones with your team that include just one question: “How are you doing?” That was the combination that worked for us – in part because these pieces were already in place before the lockdown and work from home became the model for 2020...and beyond.  

I share this advice with leaders across myriad sectors, not for use just in these times, but to encourage their adoption of a daily practice and philosophy to guide their work and drive results all the time. This practice should also include these three top-of-mind questions:

  • How do you keep your people safe?

  • How do you keep them healthy?

  • How do you continue to thrive on the core values that have made the company successful?

Now, especially as we focus on working more flexibly while continuing to meet business goals. There is success in these approaches. I know because I practice them every day, too.

I talk about this and other topics in my conversation with Michael Levitt – author, workplace burn-out consultant, and host of the Breakfast Leadership Show. Take a listen on my In The News page.

Then, I encourage you to think about those homegrown lessons that guide you each day. They may have a different flavor than mine from growing up on a farm. But these lessons are fundamental values that we can be using in business – to bring more connection, success, and humanity to you, your teammates, and your organization.

Are you ready to begin? 


How to Find the ‘Win-Win Solution’ in Work and Life


Fill Your Cup...To. The. Brim.